tabs General Meetings

General Meetings

Sinch’s annual general meeting 2024 will be held 10:00 CEST, Thursday 16 May, 2024, in Sinch’s offices at Lindhagensgatan 112, Stockholm. More detailed information about the AGM will be provided in the notice of the meeting, which is published  four weeks before the meeting.

Shareholders have the right to raise matters at the meeting provided that such request is received by the board of directors no later than 28 March 2024. For practical reasons, however, Sinch asks that any such request arrives by 15 March 2024. Requests are to be sent by email: Shareholders are welcome to ask questions during the annual general meeting as usual. To help us answer these questions at the meeting, please submit them to Sinch in advance by email:

Annual General Meeting 2024
Notice of annual general meeting
Power of attorney
Remuneration report
Auditors’ remarks on remuneration report
The Nomination Committee's proposals and reasoned statement
Postal voting form
Board of directors' complete proposals items 8 b), 12, 14 and 15
Board of directors’ comprehensive proposal on LTI 2024
Description of proposed new board members
LTI 2024 Proposal - v. BoD Proposal - Appendix A.1 - Warrant terms (Series 1)
LTI 2024 Proposal - v. BoD Proposal - Appendix B.1 - Warrant terms (Series 2)
LTI 2024 Proposal - v. BoD Proposal - Appendix C.1 - Warrant terms (Series 3)
LTI 2024 Proposal - v. BoD Proposal - Appendix D.1 - Warrant terms (Series 4)
LTI 2024 Proposal - v. BoD Proposal - Appendix E.1 - Warrant terms (Series 5)
LTI 2024 Proposal - v. BoD Proposal - Appendix F.1 - Warrant terms (Series 6)
LTI 2024 Proposal - v. BoD Proposal - Appendix G.1 - Warrant terms (Series 7)
LTI 2024 Proposal - v. BoD Proposal - Appendix H.1 - Warrant terms (Series 8)
Resolutions from the AGM 2024
CEO and CFO prepared remarks
CEO and CFO presentation
Minutes from the AGM 2024
Appendences for the Minutes
Link for on-line voting Link for on-line voting Link for on-line voting
Link for on-line registration Link for on-line registration Link for on-line registration
Annual General Meeting 2023
Notice to annual general meeting
Power of attorney
Remuneration report
Auditors’ report on remuneration
The Nomination Committee's reasoned statement
Board of directors’ complete proposals (8b, 13, 15)
Board of directors’ comprehensive proposal on LTI 2023
Appendix A.1 - Warrant terms (LTI 2023 series 1)
Appendix B.1 - Warrant terms (LTI 2023 series 2)
Appendix C.1 - Warrant terms (LTI 2023 series 3)
Appendix D.1 - Warrant terms (LTI 2023 series 4)
Appendix E.1 - Warrant terms (LTI 2023 series 5)
Registration form for voting by post
Resolutions from the AGM 2023
CEO prepared remarks
Minutes from the AGM 2023
Appendences for the Minutes
Link for on-line AGM registration Link for on-line AGM registration Link for on-line AGM registration
Link for on-line voting Link for on-line voting Link for on-line voting
Annual General Meeting 2022
Proposed agenda
Remuneration report
Resolution on authorization for the board of directors to resolve on new issues of shares
Resolution on amendment to the articles of association
Proposal on resolution on guidelines for compensation to senior executives
Appendix A.1 - Warrant terms (series 1)
Appendix B.1 - Warrant terms (series 2)
Appendix C.1 - Warrant terms (series 3)
Appendix D.1 - Warrant terms (series 4)
Appendix E.1 - Warrant terms (series 5)
Notice to annual general meeting
Power of attorney
Board Proposal on LTI 2022
Postal voting form
Articles of association mark-up proposal
Revisors yttrande om ersättningar till ledande befattningshavare
Articles of Association as per 210512
Proposed board member
The Nomination Committee's reasoned statement 2022
CEO presentation
Minutes from the AGM 2022
Link for on-line voting Link for on-line voting Link for on-line voting
Link for on-line AGM registration Link for on-line AGM registration Link for on-line AGM registration
Annual General Meeting 2021
Resolutions from the AGM 2021
Minutes from the AGM 2021
Auditors’ report on remuneration
Mark-up på bolagsordning
Proposal on compensation to senior executives
Proposed agenda
Remuneration report for 2020
Resolution on authorization for the Board of Directors to resolve on new issues of shares
Resolution on share split and amendment to the articles of association
The Board’s comprehensive proposal for resolution regarding LTI 2021
Terms and Conditions of warrants to subscribe for new shares in LTI 2021 (series 1)
Terms and Conditions of warrants to subscribe for new shares in LTI 2021 (series 2)
Terms and Conditions of warrants to subscribe for new shares in LTI 2021 (series 3)
Terms and Conditions of warrants to subscribe for new shares in LTI 2021 (series 4)
Notice of Annual General Meeting
Power of attorney
The Nomination Committee’s reasoned statement
Proposed new board member
Form for voting by post
Link for voting online Link for voting online Link for voting online
Annual General Meeting 2020
Notification of attendance and advance voting form
Instruction for advance voting by post
Notice of Annual General Meeting
Power of attorney
Proposed agenda
The Nomination Committee’s reasoned statement
Proposal on resolution to amend the articles of association
Mark-up på bolagsordning
Proposal on resolution on guidelines for compensation to senior executives
Resolution on in-kind authorization
Resolution on authorization for the Board of Directors to resolve on new issues of shares
The Board’s Comprehensive Proposal for Resolution Regarding Incentive Program (LTI 2020)
Terms and Conditions of Warrants (Series 1)
Terms and Conditions of Warrants (Series 2)
Terms and Conditions of Warrants (Series 3)
Terms and Conditions of Warrants (Series 4)
Terms and Conditions of Warrants (Series 5)
Terms and Conditions of Warrants (Series 6)
Terms and Conditions of Warrants (Series 7)
Sinch AB 2020 US Stock Option Plan
Revisorsyttrande över ersättning till ledande befattningshavare
Report of the Board of Directors pursuant to the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance
CEO Presentation for AGM
Resolutions from the AGM 2020
Minutes from the AGM 2020
Registration for AGM Registration for AGM Registration for AGM
Annual General Meeting 2019
Notice of Annual General Meeting
The Nomination Committee’s reasoned statement 2019
Power of attorney
Proposed agenda
Proposal on resolution to amend the articles of association
Proposal on resolution on guidelines for compensation to senior executives
Report of the Board of Directors pursuant to the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance
Resolution on authorization for the Board of Directors to resolve on new issues of shares
The Board's Comprehensive Proposal for Resolution Regarding Incentive Program (LTI 2019)
Terms and Conditions of Warrants (Series 1)
Terms and Conditions of Warrants (Series 2)
Terms and Conditions of Warrants (Series 3)
Terms and Conditions of Warrants (Series 4)
Terms and Conditions of Warrants (Series 5)
Terms and Conditions of Warrants (Series 6)
Revisorsyttrande över ersättning till ledande befattningshavare
Stock Option Plan 2019
Resolutions from the AGM 2019
Minutes from the AGM 2019
Annual General Meeting 2018
CLX resolutions from AGM 2018
Notice of Annual General Meeting
The Nomination Committee´s reasoned statement 2018
Power of attorney
The Nomination Committee´s proposal and reasoned statement 2018
Presentation of suggested new board member
Styrelsens fullständiga förslag till incitamentsprogram LTI 2018
Minutes from AGM, May 18, 2018
The boards comprehensive proposal for resolution regarding incetive program
Stock Option Plan
Terms and Conditions of Warrants (Series 1)
Terms and Conditions of Warrants (Series 2)
Terms and Conditions of Warrants (Series 3)
Terms and Conditions of Warrants (Series 4)
Terms and Conditions of Warrants (Series 5)
Terms and Conditions of Warrants (Series 6)
Annual General Meeting 2017
Notice to attend AGM
The Nomination Committees reasoned statement
Power of attorney
The Board of Directors´ Evaluation According to the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance
Revisorsyttrande över ersättning till ledande befattningshavar
Minutes from AGM, May 19, 2017